We supply engaging and practical educational resources across a variety of settings. On our experienced team we have Primary teachers, Secondary teachers, TEFL teachers, Senior Management and Specialist Leaders of Education. Together, we aim to spread our knowledge and enthusiasm to other professionals and pupils around the world.
We supply engaging and practical educational resources across a variety of settings. On our experienced team we have Primary teachers, Secondary teachers, TEFL teachers, Senior Management and Specialist Leaders of Education. Together, we aim to spread our knowledge and enthusiasm to other professionals and pupils around the world.
In these resources, pupils are given visuals and some words and are asked to use them to create some simple sentences. They are expected to use capital letters and full stops correctly and to choose additional High Frequency words and spell them independently. They are asked to repeat this process with different visuals and words a variety of times.
This is the first step in preparing pupils to write a short text independently. The images help more visual learners and the given words provide ideas for what to write about and structure.
These resources can be used as a class activity, as extension work or as homework.
There are two resources to use when you choose this download.
These two resources help pupils to write well punctuated sentences while adding adverbs to their work. Clear examples are given to students in the form of word lists and example sentences. The activities use strong visuals to stimulate the pupils ideas and imaginations. The students begin by being given simple sentences with images that they have to rewrite to include adverbs. Students then progressively write with less support until they are asked to write a series of sentences including adverbs independently.
These resources can be used as class activities, as extension work or as homework.
This resource explains what nouns are and gives pupils examples of nouns. They are then asked to write down different nouns that they can see in given images and in their present location.
This activity can be used as a class activity, as extension work or as homework.
This resource introduces students to the idea of using a variety of sentence openings. To begin with, they are given example sentence openings and images to help them to write their sentences. The activity finishes with them writing a short text independently using a variety of sentence openings.
This document contains all the resources for The Ultimate Writing Championship: Stage 3 - Men’s Division.
The Ultimate Writing Championship (U.W.C) is a popular a scheme of work designed to both improve pupils’ writing skills and to raise their writing engagement. There are 4 stages in this series, beginning with the very basics like writing on the line and leading up to higher level skills such as using metaphors and punctuating speech.
Pupils complete a series of challenges which focus on one or two specific skills as they compete in each stage in their quest to become the Stage Champion.
Please enjoy using these resources and we hope that it both engages the pupils you teach and helps them to improve their writing skills.
A selection of reading questions that will fit any fiction book or story. There are 4 stages of difficulty for each question so they can be used as an assessment tool. They can also be used effectively in a reading session meaning that pupils have a greater choice of reading materials since you will not have to prepare different tasks on every possible book they may wish to read. They can be answered on paper by the pupil or be asked verbally by any member of staff or by parents/carers at home. Inference questions are included.
These three resources introduce students to the concept of using adjectives to improve their description when writing. They use strong images to provide the students with ideas and inspiration. The pupils move from adding one adjective to a given sentence, to writing a short text in which they describe a setting using a variety of adjectives.
The first text sees pupils concentrating on using one adjective in a sentence. The second text sees them move to using two adjectives. The third texts deals with the use of multiple adjectives in multiple sentences.
These resources can be used as class activities, extension activities or homework.
These two resources support pupils in improving their consistency in punctuating sentences correctly and helping them to know when to use ‘and’ + when to use ‘but’. In both resources, the pupils move from being given phrases to use to create sentences using either ‘and’ or ‘but’, to writing multiple sentences independently using both ‘and’ + ‘but’ appropriately.
These resources can be used as class activities, extension work or as homework.
This is a U.W.C Stage 1 Women’s Division challenge match. Pupils write using finger spacing as they face Gabby Gap-Tooth.
The Ultimate Writing Championship is a scheme of work designed to both improve pupils’ writing skills and to raise their writing engagement. There are 4 stages in this series, beginning with the very basics like writing on the line and leading up to higher level skills such as using metaphors and punctuating speech. In each Stage pupils work through a series of challenges in their quest to win the Stage Title.
This is a U.W.C Stage 1 Women’s Division challenge match. Pupils write spelling simple phonetic and high frequency words correctly as they face The ABC Kid.
The Ultimate Writing Championship is a scheme of work designed to both improve pupils’ writing skills and to raise their writing engagement. There are 4 stages in this series, beginning with the very basics like writing on the line and leading up to higher level skills such as using metaphors and punctuating speech. In each Stage pupils work through a series of challenges in their quest to win the Stage Title.
This is a U.W.C Stage 1 Women’s Division challenge match. Pupils write using finger spaces and writing on the line as they face Nita Presenta.
The Ultimate Writing Championship is a scheme of work designed to both improve pupils’ writing skills and to raise their writing engagement. There are 4 stages in this series, beginning with the very basics like writing on the line and leading up to higher level skills such as using metaphors and punctuating speech. In each Stage pupils work through a series of challenges in their quest to win the Stage Title.
This is a U.W.C Stage 1 Women’s Division challenge match. Pupils write ensuring their writing makes sense as they face Nicky ‘Nonsense’ Nailz.
The Ultimate Writing Championship is a scheme of work designed to both improve pupils’ writing skills and to raise their writing engagement. There are 4 stages in this series, beginning with the very basics like writing on the line and leading up to higher level skills such as using metaphors and punctuating speech. In each Stage pupils work through a series of challenges in their quest to win the Stage Title.
This is a U.W.C Stage 1 Women’s Division challenge match. Pupils write forming letters correctly as they face Princess Perfect.
The Ultimate Writing Championship is a scheme of work designed to both improve pupils’ writing skills and to raise their writing engagement. There are 4 stages in this series, beginning with the very basics like writing on the line and leading up to higher level skills such as using metaphors and punctuating speech. In each Stage pupils work through a series of challenges in their quest to win the Stage Title.
This is a U.W.C Stage 1 Women’s Division challenge match. Pupils write using full stops as they face Jenny Endot.
The Ultimate Writing Championship is a scheme of work designed to both improve pupils’ writing skills and to raise their writing engagement. There are 4 stages in this series, beginning with the very basics like writing on the line and leading up to higher level skills such as using metaphors and punctuating speech. In each Stage pupils work through a series of challenges in their quest to win the Stage Title.
These four resources are used to help students to use different types of punctuation. There a variety of activities for using question marks, commas in a list, exclamation marks and for punctuating speech. Pupils are also encouraged to use capital letters and full stops correctly.
These resources can be used as class activities, as extension work or as homework.
In these three resources, pupils are move from being given a lot of support in using ‘and’ in written sentences to writing short texts independently including the word ‘and’.
In the first resource, pupils are given visuals and some words and are asked to use them to create a simple sentence including the word ‘and’. They are expected to use capital letters and full stops correctly and to choose additional High Frequency words and spell them independently. They are asked to repeat this process with different visuals and words a variety of times.
In the next two resources, the pupils are given two images and are asked to make a sentence about these images including the word ‘and’. This process is repeated a variety of times until the pupil is asked to complete a piece of writing (including the word ‘and’) without any visual aids. In the second resource, this extended piece of writing is to be about themselves. In the third it is about another person of their choice.
When using the 3 resources, pupils move from being heavily supported to writing independently.
These resources can be used as a class activity, as extension work or as homework.
There are six writing resources in the pack that are aimed at helping pupils to punctuate sentences correctly using capital letters and full stops. It ranges from them being giving simple sentences with no punctuation that they have to edit, to the pupils writing a short well punctuated paragraph independently. The resources include strong visual images that provide a stimulus for all pupils and are also especially beneficial for more visual learners.
These resources can be used as class activities, as extension work or as homework.
In these resources, pupils are given visuals and some words and are asked to use them to create a simple sentence. They are expected to use capital letters and full stops correctly and to choose additional High Frequency words and spell them independently. They are asked to repeat this process with different visuals and words a variety of times.
This is the first step in preparing pupils to write sentences. The images help more visual learners and the given words provide ideas for what to write about and structure.
These resources can be used as a class activity, as extension work or as homework.
There are two resources to use when you choose this download.
In these resources, pupils are given visuals and some words and are asked to use them to create a simple sentence using a conjunction/connective. They are expected to use capital letters and full stops correctly and to choose additional High Frequency words and spell them independently. They are asked to repeat this process with different visuals and words a variety of times.
This is the first step in preparing pupils to write sentences while using conjunctions/connectives. The images help more visual learners and the given words provide ideas for what to write about and structure.
These resources can be used as a class activity, as extension work or as homework.
There are five resources to use when you choose this download.
The conjunctions/connectives included are and, when, but, so, + because.